Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day and Update on Chad

Please don't forget what today is supposed to be about...Memorial Day...Remembering those who DIED so you could have the freedom's you enjoy and most likely take for granted. Be thankful that men and women are willing to sacrifice their life (literally for many), their comfort, their safety, and put their lives on a stand still in so many ways, that are willingly, even with broken heart to leave their families, their wives, children, babies...so that you can be FREE. So you can live in a free country, have just about any desire at your fingertips and any any time day or night. They give you the right to gripe about everything under the sun...politics, gas prices, housing market, the economy...well even with all the complaints most if not all American's lives are better than most of the world. Just don't forget. Also May 30 is the actual day today actually began with. May 30 is the TRUE "Memorial Day" or more accurately "Decoration Day" the day when our soldiers graves were decorated, a day where the focus was on the soldier, Lets take this day back, by remembering, honoring those who died for US, and make tomorrow a little less about ourselves.



As to Chad. He was about to get online tonight. He still hasn't been able to call, but to at least get to chat with him was great. He's been busy, busting his tail to get everything done that he needs to. It's very hot there, so I have a feeling he's already losing weight. He's been able to spend some time with our Chaplain, who's a great guy. It really brings me joy to know he's trying to surround himself with men who love the Lord. He's hoping to call us tomorrow, so please say a little prayer for that too, it'd be awesome to finally hear his voice, as well as for the kids to hear his voice.



Anonymous said...

praying for you and Chad, Christy; hoping he has a chance to call you all tomorrow


Anonymous said...

I continue to keep Chad and your family in my prayers, its been nice he can email and I will keep my fingers crossed that you get a phone call soon.  Take care - Leene

Anonymous said...

It's because of men like Chad, we're able to have Memorial Day!  He will remain in my prayers until the day he comes home!

Anonymous said...

A friend send me the link to your jounral. Like you, my beloved is deployed Iraq.'Looking forward to reading more and keeping you and Chad in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Glad you got to chat with him online.

Anonymous said...

Hoping you get a phone call soon....

Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers
