I am in the process of reading an article written by Senator Joe Lieberman...well let me say I'm impressed beyond words and sit here close to tears out of joy and pride and well honestly being assured that my feelings and beliefs have been proven to be correct from all people a Democrat who actually see's things IMHO in the RIGHT LIGHT!
Here's the article: http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110007611
Here are a few quotes that really struck me and that I think MORE American's NEED to HEAR:
"Here is an ironic finding I brought back from Iraq. While U.S. public opinion polls show serious declines in support for the war and increasing pessimism about how it will end, polls conducted by Iraqis for Iraqi universities show increasing optimism. Two-thirds say they are better off than they were under Saddam, and a resounding 82% are confident their lives in Iraq will be better a year from now than they are today. What a colossal mistake it would be for America's bipartisan political leadership to choose this moment in history to lose its will and, in the famous phrase, to seize defeat from the jaws of the coming victory. "
"I cannot say enough about the U.S. Army and Marines who are carrying most of the fight for us in Iraq. They are courageous, smart, effective, innovative, very honorable and very proud. After a Thanksgiving meal with a great group of Marines at Camp Fallujah in western Iraq, I asked their commander whether the morale of his troops had been hurt by the growing public dissent in America over the war in Iraq. His answer was insightful, instructive and inspirational: "I would guess that if the opposition and division at home go on a lot longer and get a lot deeper it might have some effect, but, Senator, my Marines are motivated by their devotion to each other and the cause, not by political debates."
The rest of the article is worth the read...so many American's are blinded by what the media is putting out there vs reading and finding out what is REALLY happening.
What Chad is doing over there is making a difference to the Iraqi people who want freedom's they have never had before. I'm so thankful to him and the rest of our military who's doing their JOB...this iswhat the military is for, somehow people have forgotten that.
that was a great article, Christy. I was impressed that Senator Lieberman said he had been there four times over the last seventeen months or so. That shows that he knows what is going on there; he has seen improvements; he has talked with the people of Iraq. Too many people who are quick to criticize probably don't even realize what they are being critical about.
Again, my hats off to every single service person and their families.
I haven't forgotten sweetie!! We will NEVER forget. My children ask me to play these next songs weekly. We listen to them in the car and at home, my kids sing them without music. I'm poud to be an American and I'm proud the my children have the heart and discernment to continue remembering. They will never forget...I won't let them!! I'm proud that there are people (like Chad) who will fight for our freedoms and who help me fall asleep at night knowing that they are out there protecting us the best they can. I'm also proud of people like you, Christy, who sacrifice the 'traditional' home life, marriage, family so that your husband can go off to war (if needed) and fight for the future of his and America's children. God bless!!!
People shouldn't forget....and if you have forgotten the horror you felt that day on 9/11/01....SHAME ON YOU!!!
Here are those songs (videos included).
Here is what Toby Keith had to say:
Right after 9/11 it seemed like talking heads on the news kept saying sarcastically, "I guess we could go bomb them if they don't turn Osama Bin Laden over. That would be so the American way." First of all, if you don't want to defend our country you don't have to join the military. But to stand back and belittle... Sometime that morning a father got up and kissed his kids goodbye and a couple hours later he's standing on top of the World Trade Center burning to death and jumping 120 stories. It's not so the American way to go bomb people. That is so the terrorist way. We went to the U.N. and told everybody exactly what we were doing. We wanted Osama and the people responsible for this or we were going to go in and get them. They had lots of warning. When 3,000 people die, the Pentagon is struck and two World Trade Centers are brought to a pile of ashes, and people say bombing them in response is "so the American way," I got angry enough to put it in a song. We'll put a boot in your ass. It is the American way. If that's the way you want it, so be it. I lashed out.
To the people who say get out of iraq well sure we want all the troops home but somebody has to stand up against the thugs of the world and let them know Amercia will not be pushed around. I admire you and your husband chad for doing what is right. My son was in iraq he is home now so i know what you are going through. Stay strong:)
Christy & Chad.....
I am sure you both know we stand steadfast in our support of you~ the soldier and his mission and to also be supportive of the families back home. Todd and I want to remind you Chad and fellow comrades......that was as a retired military family....will always support you and the mission and we know that you are determined to get it done and return to your wonderful families!
God bless your family and God bless our United States military!!
I am so proud of everyone serving in the military and so grateful to the families lending them to the cause, I do not watch the news for the very reason most of it is pure trash.
Thank you for sharing that side of what's going on! All I hear is the news and it doesn't sound very positive! I'm glad to hear that side! I think I'm already very, very glad Betty let us know about you and about your journal! Thank you! Laura
Well said. God see us as humans - people not Americans and Iraqies. We are to help our fellow man. I feel very strongly that I would not vote for someone who thinks we can leave the job unfinished. I myself was blessed to be a woman born in the USA
The women there have no rights!
To Terrie the commentor below. I was just telling a man how people hate my husband and I simply because our political beliefs don't mesh with theirs and judge us based on that fact. No one looks at the person anymore, just at their beliefs and that is really a sad fact.
My hubby did a post on this article over at his blog a couple of days ago. It is nice to see even if only once in awhile people on the Democratic side opening their eyes up and biting the bullet. Not fearing what wrath my come. Now if only they would stand behind it on down the line and stay the course....
good post Christy. If you would like to be inundated with political stuff, you outta check out my hubby's site. http://lesenfantterrible.blogspot.com/
Chad & Christy- I made a little tribute to you guys over on my blog...
Christy, I miss you so much! I just want to say that back here in good old Fort Riley there have been funerals after funerals. On top of the casualties from war coming home, there have been huge problems w/the snow storms and tornadoes "on the home front." My point is that, I guess that b/c of all of the funerals for soldiers and soldier's family memebrs, some of them held in Topeka and such, the local law enforcement has been needed more, for escorts and stuff. Appearantly, they are getting away w/a making their own liberal comments about the war and stuff, and at a very recent funeral they were very unkind to the spouse of the killed soldier. We all know that after a few deployments, we are capable of becoming hardened to the "outsiders," and she gave the officers apretty good tongue lashing, but it really comes down to the fact that these men could not even give the widow the proper respect for mourning. I am just sad to know that any day that could be me, and nevermind what his mission is, but that there are some who do not respect him as a person, a protector of freedom in the world, as a child God. Thank you for sharing the article...it is motivating.
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