Thursday, January 5, 2006

Deployment Day +69

Chad is working on writing a big entry!! Yahoo! He's also going to start keeping a daily journal (hand written) and he's going to try once a week to send me an update of his week!

I'm really excited to read what he has to say and I know he is as well! He's recieved quite a few care packages from those of you who read this journal and he truly apperciates them! I want to say THANK YOU to each of you who have sent care packages and said prayers for him. Feel free to email me and I will share his address...just a letter or post card is happily recieved! He really looks forward to the mail, it lights up his day!

I would like to make a suggestion! If any of you have young children, are teachers, or know kids who'd like to do something for some could have them make cards or write letters to Chad and his soldiers. He said that his soldiers and a few of the Marine's have LOVED getting the goodies he's been sent. Soldiers LOVE things from kids, it can be really simple.

I talked to Chad today. He's really suffering from being homesick. He misses us terribly. I send him pictures quite a bit, it helps, yet it also adds to that feeling. It's one of those no win situations. Seeing us brings him joy and heartache. He's been working a lot lately too, going from early early morning until late in the evening, so I know he's really tired. One thing I'm so happy about is that he got a Max Lucado (He's a minister and author) book and it's a very short book, he said he thinks about 100 pages, but that the first day he read 56 pages and today in his spare time he was able to read a few more pages. He said it's been so good and just really hard to put down. I'm going to try to find him some more of his books, since he seems to be an author that he enjoys! I'm actually going to be leading a bible study (PWOC/Protestant Women of Christ) there's at least 4 different studies that go on, and the one I'll be leading is :A Love Worth Giving...I'm excited, a little nervous, but more excited!

Well, I better go. It's getting late and I'm tired!


God Bless


Anonymous said...

I would like your address so I can send a note to Chad.  I have 2 teenage sons and I would like to get them to send a card too.  I really appreciate what our men and women are doing over there.  I am sure you have a lot to be proud of.  Good job leading the study group.  You go girl!  I will be praying for your hubby and his safe return...  I enjoy your journal!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome journal entry Christy:)

I have a few friends that are still elementary school teachers and I am sure they would do a letter writing class to the soldiers. I will just get a little bit more info from you for that. Isaiah is a Senior....if you think the soldiers and marines wouldn't mind a high school letter......I can have Isaiah do that as well....probably from his Drama group.

GREAT thing for Chad to do is have that journal going. I have read Todd's (when he was in Bosnia and Kosovo) and what a great way for them to release any emotion they fell.....most was good, but then there are "those days".

(((((Chad)))))) I am sure it is very hard on him be away from the people he loves the most.....I am sure this is easier for me to say-since I am not in Chad's shoes....but the time he has been gone seems to have gone quickly. They all say as long as they remain goes quickly -so Chad, STAY BUSY:) Like you aren't already doing that!! God bless you Chad for all that you are doing!!

Just wanted you to know that Todd and I continue to keep you and your fellow comrades in our thoughts and prayers.....

In our Christmas family newsletter, we always ask our family and friends to keep the United States military in their thoughts and prayers as well and this year we added a quote~God bless you are truly appreciated and respected!

We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.
~George Orwell

Anonymous said...

See if you can get a list of things he would like or need

Anonymous said...

Max Lucado is my favorite Christian author, Christy! That's neat he's a favorite of yours and Chad's too!

Please email me Chad's address; I think I asked for it before but if you sent it, I lost it (consider my age, sorry).

I'm sorry he's so homesick for you guys....that's gotta be hard.


Anonymous said...

Oh Christy, what a great idea.  I'll see if I can get my kids to make somethings for the guys & Chad!  Hugs,

Anonymous said...

I like Max Lucado, too!  Glad it brought Chad some comfort.

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

congrats on leading the PWOC study!  I know you are excited about it!    Keeping you all in my prayers.