Saturday, December 20, 2008
Bring Him Home....
Monday, December 8, 2008
Prayers Please
He will be moving to a different company, which is just some of the best news for him. He'll be staying put vs going out on missions all the time and that's just such a blessing for him and for us as a family as communication will go up ten fold!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Ones Left behind
Sunday, November 16, 2008
We're about to hit month 6 here in a few days. In ways it amazes me that we're at month 6, because it feels like he's been gone forever, yet it's starting to go by quicker. I guess because the kids and I have quite a bit going on.
Thank you to each and every one of you who's been praying for Chad and continue to pray for him. It IS appreciated more than you'll ever know! I told him so many were praying for him (the other evening) and he told me that he can honestly FEEL those prayers surrounding him! Isn't God just so good and gracious in allowing him to actually feel your love and concern? Amazing I tell you! :)
God Bless
Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween Blessings

I know Emma looks miserable and at that point she was! LOL She was tired, hungry, and absolutely did not want to be held. This was taken at the end of our VTC today! I took the kids up to "see" Daddy. Our Battalion was also have a Halloween Costume Contest, of course we needed to be back by 4:00 for the actual contest results, but I was finishing up dinner.We had a great VTC and Chad got to see Emma walk for the first time.
This is as close to spending this day with Chad as we can get. I know the picture is blurry, sorry, I really need a new camera. I've dropped this one so many times so focusing takes time and we seriously did not have it. Our time was pretty well up when it dawned on me I should take a picture! I think the next time we do a VTC I'm going to remember to take a picture at the beginning so I have more time to get a GOOD picture.
God Bless
And We're A Go....
We now have 5 months down and are into our 6th month of this 15 month deployment. It's going by quickly for Chad. I've whined, threw pity parties, and ultimately been selfish so far through this deployment, but I'm done with that and although there will be days where I miss him terribly, I'm stressed to the max, etc....I will look at the bright side of things more and focus on that and how God has blessed our family.
For those who are new here let me introduce us. I'm Christy, proud wife of Chad who's in the US Army. We have been blessed with 4 children. Jordyn would be 10 yrs old. She died when she was 2 yrs old from AML leukemia. We miss her terribly, but rejoice that she's with our Lord, Jesus. Next is Jacob, he's 7. Jackson is 5, and Emma is 1 yr old. I'm homeschooling our children, as we have been led by the Lord to take on this incredible task. I'm also obviously a stay at home mom (SAHM). I feel VERY strongly that I'm to be at home raising our children and caring for Chad. We're conservative in our political and religious beliefs. We're bible fearing Christians, who believe the bible as a living and true translation.
This isn't really a political blog, but will say that We Support Senator McCain and I will only speak for myself, but absolutely am TERRIFIED at even the prospect of Obama becoming President. I think he'll destroy our country, will hurt our military and all they have done in the last 5 yrs, and will ultimately destroy life as we as American's know it and NOT in a good way.
With that said, I don't want any pro-Obama comments, they will absolutely NOT be added, as all comments will be monitored. Yes this is a censorship and I am the DICTATOR! LOL I will NOT debate with you. I support my husband and his JOB 100%. I beleive we have a mission to do in Iraq and that we should NOT pull out until it's completed. It does NOT mean that I enjoy my husband being deployed. I hate that he's away from us and would much rather have him home, but I understand why he has to leave and believe in him and our Army and Country.
If you can't stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them.
Well there you go! Honesty.
This blog is only kept updated WHEN Chad is deployed, once he's home from this deployment next summer/ will become quiet again. I hope you will comment, leave messages of support to Chad, most of all please pray for Chad's safety and our family is simply not complete when he's not home.
God Bless
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
A Nation In Crisis
I know I have not written over here in so long. The kids and I went to the states for 7 weeks starting in late July. I will give an update on Chad in the next couple of days. But from here on, here's why I'm posting here tonight....
and what we can do about it. It's called Intercessory Prayer.
I've committed, with my church, to "30 Days of Prayer for America". While reading De'Etta's blog Choosing Joy, she talked about how she was feeling led to pray for our country. So I am taking the plunge and sharing 30 Days of Prayer for America" with you. For the next 30 days, we are called to pray for our nation...state by state, leader by leader. Here's what the flier says:
We're going on an unforgettable journey...
30 Days of Prayer For America
For 30 memorable days, we're going to pray across America. Through the instant access of intercession we will visit every state, every territory, and our nations capital, Washington, DC. Our guide on this unforgettable journey is the Prayer Map of America, a unique resource with an easy-to-follow, day-by-day itinerary.
2008 is a crucial year for America - a year of challenges and, of course, a year of decisions. Of all the things we can do for our country at this historic time, nothing is more important than prayer. If we truly want God to bless America - to stand beside her and guide her - wemust pray.
The strategy is simple: Each day for the specifed 30 Days of Prayer for America we will take just a few minutes to pray for that day's requests. There are only two requests per day, so it won't take much time, but it will make a huge impact. The unified effect of believers praying can awaken our nation, renew our church and spiritually transform our lives. This is going to be a great journey. Don't miss it!
Now - since there's no way I can truly provide you a copy of the map, I will post each day's request here. If you have a map at home, you can find the states you are praying for, and visually connect with them. But even if you don't have a map handy, you can take a few minutes to pray the requests of each day.
Whenever you come to a request for a specific state or territory in the daily list, remember these priorities:
- Pray for the leaders of the state, that God's Spirit would guide them to act justly, serve with integrity and uphold high moral standards.
- Pray for the churches of the state, that they would be lighthouses of truth, havens of hope, and centers of love for all people.
- Pray for the Christiansof the state, that they would be faithful witnesses for Christ, humble servants of God, and positive influences on society
Praying for our President and Vice President. They bear responsibilities of enormous importance. Pray that their hearts would be guided by God, that their decisions would be wise, and that their leadership would be principled.
Praying for our Congressional Leaders. The hundreds of men and women who serve in the U.S. Congress - our Representatives and Senators - oversee the nation's legislative business. Pray that they will govern with God-honoring discernment and preserve the freedoms we enjoy as Americans.
Praying for our Justice System. Ours is a nation pledged to justice for all; and though our systems has its imperfections, it is markedly better than most of the world. Millions in our society serve as police officers, prosecutors, defenders and judges. And, in the highest roles, nine individuals serve as Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court. Pray that all of these public servants will be vigilant, discerning and wise.
Praying for our Armed Forces. We are blessed with liberty because brave members of our Armed Forces have fought to keep us free. Today, a new generation of soldiers, sailors, marines airmen and guardsmen are serving gallantly, and we are the beneficiaries. Pray with appreciation for their service, and ask God to bless them with strength.
Praying for Spiritual Renewal. America has many needs, but none more important than a spiritual awakening and a spiritual renewal. Pray for the Gospel to be communicated across the full spectrum of our society. Pray for biblical principles, long dormant, to bear new fruit. Pray that Americans of all ages, races and backgrounds would be drawn to God and receive His life and salvation.
Praying for Candidates for Public Office. In our system of government, we the people select our leaders. This is a great responsibility and we must exercise it wisely and prayerfully. Pray for the candidates for public office, that they would be moved by God to seek what is honorable, just and moral.
Listed on most days of the 30-day prayer plan are the names of specific U.S. states or territories. The goal each day is to pray for the leaders, churches and Christians in those places. Following are some key thoughts to guide your intercession.
Praying for Leaders in the State. The Bible instructs us to make requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving for all who are in authority, "that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty" (1 Timothy 2:1-2). In our world, this means we are to pray for Governors, Lieutenant Governors and other leaders in authority. Specifically, we should pray that they would act justly, that they would serve with integrity, and that they would uphold moral standards.
Praying for Churches in the State. Churches, of course, are not merely buildings; they are living, active bodies of believers. America is blessed with more than 300,000 churches of all denominations and traditions. As you intercede for these churches, both generally and specifically, pray that they would be lighthouses of truth, havens of hope and centers of love.
Praying for Christians in the State. Jesus said that His followers are to be "salt" and "light" within society. Like salt, they should make others thirsty for the Gospel. Like light, they are to illuminate with the brightness of Christ's love. As you intercede for Christians state-by-state, pray that they will be faithful witnesses of the Gospel, humble servants of Christ, and positive influences within their communities.
Does prayer really make a difference? Yes, it makes an extraordinary difference because God in His unlimited compassion responds to prayer offered in His name. As God's children and followers of Jesus Christ, we must urgently, faithfully pray for our nation and its people. Prayer can affect the course of history and shape the destiny of a nation. As you pray day by day following the plan in the Prayer Map of America you can be sure that your intercession can make a transformational difference.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
There's Something About A Homecoming
You know there's just something about a homecoming that makes you just stop, take that deep breath, and oh makes you so grateful that you get the honor and privilege of being an Army wife. This evening a fairly large group of soldiers came home after being deployed for 14 months. They were deployed to Afganistan. Watching the wives and children of those deployed, but now home soldiers sitting oh so unpatiently, giddy with joy knowing that on the other side of that curtain their soldier stood there WAITING for them! It was the briefest homecoming ceremony I've witnessed, but to see those families rush together took my breath away. I didn't cry, which I fully expected to do, but I still had a few flip flops in my stomach. I saw friends reunite with thier husband, I saw Daddy's grab up their babies who were just weeks and months old when they'd last seen them. I also saw single soldiers who had no loved one to greet them and honestly is so beyond heartbreaking for me. They fought in the same war, but have no one to welcome them back so personally and intimately. As we walked away from the gym tonight we said "Welcome Home" to the soldiers as we passed them. We walked up to BK and saw the buses with the single soldiers coming to take them to their barrack's, so we stood there and waved our flags and cheered for them and clapped. They deserve to know they ARE special and they are important. Many were changing out of their ACU's and into civilians and going out, downtown. Pray for them. Pray that they don't make foolish choices. That they don't wake up in the morning regretting what they did tonight. Pray that they get to talk to those who love them and they love and even if only by phone are told how happy they are to be back, safe and sound. The single soldiers were all welcomed back with new sheets, pillows, care baskets that had various items to get them through the first few days if they weren't ready to go to the store.
We still have 13 months before we start preparing our single soldiers rooms, but when I go back to the states I'm going to be buying some sheets. I'm sure I'll send out a "want to help" post so if you or others you know want to help with various items you can. I don't think a lot of people think of what it must be like for the single soldiers returning from deployments, especially when stationed overseas. I've already decided that I'm going to order some welcome home banners for Chad's single soldiers. They're be pretty basic, just a Welcome Home and their name, but I want them to know they are important and special as well.
7 weeks down!
404 days to go!
Well we hit the 7 week mark since Chad left. It's went by fairly quickly. He's been able to call us and get online and IM us, normally a couple times a week. He gets online more, because he had internet in his room. He's doing good, hot...HOT. It was 120 today. Can any of us who've never experienced that sort of heat even grasp that? I can't. Today it was in the high 80's and I was whining.
A friend and I are going to the gym 3 days a week now (16 lbs off so far!!! Wahoo) and I don't know if the a/c was on or not, I do know it was hotter IN the gym than it was outside, and that's unusual. But we were both unhappy with how warm it was. We were sweating almost before we got on the eliptical, but while I was doing it I was making myself go harder and I was thinking of Chad, wondering what he was doing at that moment. Wondering how he deals with that heat.
The kids and I are heading back to the states in a little over a week and we'll be there for 6 weeks! We're excited. It's been 3 yrs since we've been there. Our middle son was not even 2 when we moved here and of course our baby girl hasn't been there. Our oldest son has some memories of living in the states, but not a lot. He was only 4 when we moved here, so most of his memories are of here as well. We're all excited though! I am the first to admit I'm so looking forward to Central Air!! LOL The luxuries that the US has that Germany doesn't. (Stores opened past 7 pm for one, must less all the 24 hr places). We'll spend 2 weeks with my parents, then start traveling to see friends and inlaws, we'll spend our final week with my parents/family and then fly back to Germany. If you want/would pray for us that's so appreciated. God has been so good to us to allow this trip to come about and make it so far fairly painless. He's truly given us grace.
Please continue to pray for Chad. He is absolutely at various times being put in harms way. Pray for his comfort, him being homesick. Pray he's able to attend bible study, that he's being the man God has created him to be, that he's seeking the Lord's will with every movement and decision he makes.
God Bless
Sunday, June 29, 2008
News from the left behind crew
We got to "see" Chad! On Saturday we were able to have a VTC (Video Teleconference)! I didn't tell the boys so they were suprised. We have webcams, but they seem to freeze up more often than naught, so it was nice to see him and talk to him.
He's extremely busy, always on the go to this mission or that, so our time is more limted on phone calls and IM's. He does have internet in his room and that's allowed us to be able to chat when he's there.
He's got some great things coming up, but I can't share it here until it's for sure, but it's good! :) To those who have sent Chad care packages, thank you. I don't have a list of names to personally thank and he's not had a chance to thank people himself, so when he does tell me who, please accept my thanks. Someone sent him a book, so who ever you are....THANK YOU! Can you email me and let me know if you sent him a book. I can't remember the name of it right now (he'd told me, I just forgot and didn't write it fault there).
He's been spending his downtime reading his bible, which brings me so much joy! I know without a doubt his relationship with Christ is getting stronger and stronger. He seems to have a peace about him this deployment and I know without a doubt that, that peace is Our Lord!!! He is awesome and mighty!
Please continue to pray for God to place a hedge of protection around Chad throughout this deployment. That he'll continue to draw closer to him. That he feels and knows the love of his family is always with him.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
I finally got to chat briefly with Chad, before he dozed off. He's really tired, but staying very busy which is helping the time go by for him. The last we had talked was Father's Day so I was excited when I got home tonight and saw he'd been online. I buzzed him a few times and then jumped into the shower, when I got out he was on/awake. We chatted for a bit and then got off.
He recieved a care package from a Karen M. (not listing last names), I'm just drawing a blank on who this is, so if you're reading this comment or email me! I'm sure I'll feel horrible when it dawns on me who it is, unless it's from a group that gets assigned a soldier and he's this person's soldier! LOL
Right now I'd like to request prayers for my younger son. He's almost 5 and having a VERY hard time with Daddy being gone. He cries at the drop of a hat it feels like, the whining (something I can NOT tolerate even in small doses) has sky rocketed. My friend reassured me that I'm not crazy and that it has gotten worse since Chad left. He's obviously not doing well with Daddy being deployed. Right now I'm praying through what coarse of action I need to take. Please pray for me and for him as well.
Chad is over all doing well, he's hot and tired! LOL Shocking huh, he'd be hot and tired while deployed in Iraq! He did say that any time he goes out on a mission and has down time, he's taking his bible and reading it and has been able to read quite a bit. He made a goal to read from the beginning to the end over this deployment. I'm really thrilled that he's seeking the Lord, emmercing himself in his word. God has great things planned for this husband of mine and it's so wonderful to see them happening!
Well it's late here in Germany and the kids and I will be heading over to "Little Swiss" (an area in Germany, feel free to google it). We'll be going on a hike and them going on a big slide! It sounds like fun and it'll be great excercise! I know the boys will love it! I love being outside and it's an extra day of walking to help me in my goal of losing weight!
God Bless and Keep Praying for a Hedge of Protection to surround Chad!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Welcome home to some brave soldiers
As I tpye this right now, there are soldiers on this post being reunited with their families! After a VERY long deployment they're home! We have a Brigade from our post that's on a 15 month rotation and a small group of them got to come home tonight, their ADVON (advanced party). As far as I know, I don't know any of the soldiers or more so their spouses who are being reunited tonight but it's exciting! My best friend here, her husband is part of this brigade and soon it'll be her being reunited with her husband and her children will once again have their daddy back! Their youngest was only 3 months old when Daddy left and she'll be 18 months old when he returns! How sweet home comings are! So although we've just begun our deployment, for another unit theirs is finally wrapping up and coming to an end and that is a true blessing from our Lord, Jesus.
Please pray for these soldiers who are in the process of wrapping up their deployment, that they will remain focused to finish the task at hand. That they will continue to be aware of the dangers that continue to lurk, that they will have gentle reunions, that spouses will be able to relinquish some of their responsibilities and that the soldiers will gently relieve them (it can be hard for a spouse to let go of the home responsibilities, including children and at times the soldier sometimes wants to just come home and take over or the complete opposite where the spouse wants to give up all control and the soldier wants none). There's often a honeymoon phase and then you start to slip back into your normal routine again, including disagreements, etc.
Pray that the soldiers are aware of any issue's they're having (PTSD) and that if the spouse notices it she'll make sure her soldier gets the help he/she needs.
It's a good night here on our little post in Germany!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Care Package Idea's
Ok so a few of you have requested this list, now there can be things added if you want, the big no-no though is pork products. They are in a Muslim country and they're not allowed.
We are entering week 3 of Chad being gone, and he's now in Iraq. We have not gotten to talk to him since they moved up there, but hope to soon! The kids and I are hanging in there, the simple facts are some days are really hard while other days are really easy. Today's a good day, yesterday evening was HARD. It's just the way it is. We're all getting excited about going back to the states for our visit. We're visiting family and friends during our 6 weeks back there. It'll be the first time in 3 yrs since we've been back, so we're really looking forward to it...about 7 weeks or so until we leave.
There's not a lot to "report". I have laundry to do, a home to clean, dinner to make. My boys are over at a friends right now playing, the baby is napping, and I'm enjoying the peace and QUIET! (NO tv or even music right now, just the hum of the fan).
Keep Chad in your prayers. I know it's hot in Iraq right now and I'm planning on mailing him a fan this week that he'd had in his office. I will get a list of things for care packages out soon. Maybe later today or else tomorrow!
Oh, on a personal note, I'm going to start going to the gym 3 days a week. I'm going with a friend. We have hired two sisters to watch the kids, so the commitment has been made, no getting out of it and no excuses! I'm really excited! I'm hoping to have 20 lbs off before I head back to the states. On the days we're not at the gym we're going to be going for long walks, and we're also going to be having meals together which helps with the cooking responsibilities as well as keeps both of us accountable to what and how much we're eating! If Chad gets to come home for R&R over Christmas I'm hoping to have 50 lbs or close to that off, I'd look like a different woman if I have that much weight off! Hopefully by this time next year I'll have reached my goal or be very close to it!
God Bless
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Chad's doing well. He just got back from ranges and as usual shot great! He had the highest score in his platoon a 58 out of 60. They'll be heading north soon, so please if you aren't yet, start prayers for safe travel and for an over all safe deployment. I won't give specific dates for their moving, but it's coming up quickly.
The kids and I are doing good. The boys had their baseball end of the season party last week. I will admit it's nice to be done finally and have a break for a while from sports. Our baby is growing like a weed and is inching closer and closer to turning one. Time goes by in a blink of an eye. It breaks my heart to know how much Chad is and will be missing out on with our children and what he's missed out on over the years. I know it hurts him and I honestly can't imagine what it must be like and never want to know.
Life keeps going, we're keeping busy but not too busy. :) Thank you for your prayers. If you want Chad's mailing address just email me at:
God Bless
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
A Whole New Perspective
So today was a trial by fire all on its own let me tell you. I've been fighting with the boys to get their room cleaned for the past two days. I'm by and far the STRICT parent. I accept that role, but it's NOT an easy one to take. It really would be nice to just let it go, but it's just not in my nature you could say. Today the boys were defiant, they were fibbing/lying, and just all together disobeying, well nothing gets me more mad than those things, especially all together. To say that I was ugly is putting it lightly. I did not handle things in the best way, not even close. I complained to a friend at the boys baseball end of the season party about the boys behavior, I complained to a friend on the phone, and I complained to Chad. What I didn't do was pray. I didn't revoke Satan. Satan WANTS my children to disobey and he wants me to react the way I did today to their poor behavior.
So here in a few I'm praying. I'm praying against Satan in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. He will not have tomorrow, he will not have Friday, he will NOT have this deployment. These days are the Lords and the Lords alone for our family and I will NOT ALLOW Satan to cause us more pain than we're already in.
Tonight I ask that you pray with me, pray against Satan in Jesus's name.
As I mentioned above, I chatted with Chad tonight. He's tired and hot. He fell asleep last night after he shower before he could get online. I totally understand and I'm just so grateful we got to talk last night on the phone and chat tonight online and we chatted online Monday evening too.
I do NOT take our communication lightly. I know how precious it is. Our first deployment we went 6 weeks without a word. It stunk. I know I fell into a deep funk. But I also wasn't turning to the Lord like I should have been during that time either. Not again. I know that previous wars the communication has been so much less, limited to phone calls and more common hand written letters, which depending on which war were few and far between too. So to know that we can IM in real time is nothing short of amazing. To know that when the internet speed is fast enough we can see each other with webcams. That he can call and we can have a clear connection. God is amazing in this technology he's allowed us to have. We are surely blessed.
Back to Chad! :) He's doing well, he's hot and tired and has been working hard. Please keep him in your prayers as well as hisfellow soldiers, leaders, and those below him.
God Bless
He called!
We finally got to hear our hero's voice! He called this evening just as we had finished dinner and I was putting our baby in the tub. Our oldest son talked to him first and he was THRILLED. His whole face lit up. Then our other son got to talk to him. When I got the phone back I put it on speaker phone so the baby could hear and she just lit up and was looking all over for him. It was the absolute sweetest thing to see her get so excited over Daddy's voice.
After we finally had to say goodbye, our oldest son came out with tears running down his face. As much of a "high" as it was to hear from Dad, the low was very low knowing how long it's going to be until he's back home. Our middle son just doesn't have a grip on how long Daddy is going to be gone. Nothing I do for them can take that blow away either. I can't imagine what it must be like for them. To be Army kids, have this fear and worry, so much uncertanity in their life when it comes to Daddy. Please be in prayer for our children.
Chad is working hard, and is extremely busy. I am sure it's helping the time to go by quicker. Of course it's very hot there too. He said that it was 115 degrees right now. I'm going to send him a fan, and hopefully can find him one that mists. Once he's where he's going to be for the whole deployment I'll see if he wants/needs me to send a clip fan. Wish I could send him an A/C. I can't imagine how miserable it is, and to think that 115 will be "cool" for them in a few months. I do plan on sending him some ice pops, if he has a little fridge in his room. They did last time so I'm guessing they will this time too. Then he can stick them into his little freezer and come back to a nice cold treat!
Thank you for the prayers.
God Bless
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Memorial Day and Update on Chad
Please don't forget what today is supposed to be about...Memorial Day...Remembering those who DIED so you could have the freedom's you enjoy and most likely take for granted. Be thankful that men and women are willing to sacrifice their life (literally for many), their comfort, their safety, and put their lives on a stand still in so many ways, that are willingly, even with broken heart to leave their families, their wives, children, that you can be FREE. So you can live in a free country, have just about any desire at your fingertips and any any time day or night. They give you the right to gripe about everything under the sun...politics, gas prices, housing market, the economy...well even with all the complaints most if not all American's lives are better than most of the world. Just don't forget. Also May 30 is the actual day today actually began with. May 30 is the TRUE "Memorial Day" or more accurately "Decoration Day" the day when our soldiers graves were decorated, a day where the focus was on the soldier, Lets take this day back, by remembering, honoring those who died for US, and make tomorrow a little less about ourselves.
As to Chad. He was about to get online tonight. He still hasn't been able to call, but to at least get to chat with him was great. He's been busy, busting his tail to get everything done that he needs to. It's very hot there, so I have a feeling he's already losing weight. He's been able to spend some time with our Chaplain, who's a great guy. It really brings me joy to know he's trying to surround himself with men who love the Lord. He's hoping to call us tomorrow, so please say a little prayer for that too, it'd be awesome to finally hear his voice, as well as for the kids to hear his voice.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Long night
Today was better. It was actually a fairly normal day over all. We went with a friend to pick her son up from school, went to the commissary, book store, mail room, and then took the kids to what we call "airplane park". We let them play for about 1 hr and came home. I made dinner, pj's on, off to bed they went. Then it was quiet, really quiet and the tears just over came me.
I was talking to a wife, her husband is actually our Chaplain and we seem to all be feeling the same thing. You can deal with a deployment, they stink, you miss your husband, but you can handle it. What is just so beyond our grasp of understanding is 15 months. Twelve months I can do, 15 just literally takes my breath away when I think about it. The thought that he's going to miss our daughter's 1st birthday AND most likely 2nd birthday breaks my heart. Knowing that for our youngest son, he's been here for his birth and this past birthday (his 4th) and that he's going to definately miss this next one and should HOPEFULLY be home for his 6th. Our oldest son, he'll only miss one birthday. It falls in January so it doesn't feel so huge when thinking of his birthday, but still. To think that he's going to miss 2 summers in a row, no camping trips most likely, no swimming at the Swimbad (pool), no baseball. There's just so much he'll be missing. It is just heartbreaking.
I KNOW, I mean I KNOW God has a plan for this and I believe it's all to bring us closer, make us stronger to HIM. That not only will our relationship with Christ grow, but our relationships with each other will grow, let me tell you though I'd really like to see them grow with us TOGETHER vs apart.
I promise this will NOT be a blog of me whining and complaining for the next 15 months, I know I'm not exactly off to a great start. I do want it to be honest though. Not everyday is happy, cheerful, and free of pain and issue's. This deployment has already started off pretty rough. Our van was totalled just 3 days before he left, and unfortunately not everything was settled before he left so now I get to finish dealing with the aftermath of all that and let me tell you, I HATE it!
Right now I just want to ask for prayers. Prayers that I can get things accomplished that I need and WANT to get accomplished. That Chad and I are able to communicate better than we ever have before. Oh speaking of that, we're going to read a book together...Sheet Music! :) We'll read a chapter at a time,take notes and then we'll talk about what we've read, learned, agree with, disagree with, etc. I'm REALLY excited about this, we've never done it before and once I'm done here I'm going to order the books for both of us! :)
Well I think I'm done complaining! Thanks for "listening", not judging, and most of all praying.
Just 452 days to go!
One down....
453 left
Well we made it through another day, far less tears so that's a good thing. Today was far more of a "normal" day, if there is any such thing as "normal". The boys were the boys, the baby was the baby except she did get sick on me after lunch and had laid on me most of the morning, but by afternoon she seemed to be feeling better.
Chad was able to get online this afternoon and so we got to chat for about 30 minutes. He's in Kuwait at this point and will be there for a few days. He said the internet is REALLY slow. He was able to pull up his webcam for a few minutes, so we got to see his face and that was great for all of us and we turned our webcam on so he could see all 4 of us and I hope that helped him get through the rest of his evening.
There are many perks to living in Germany, but during a deployment the best one is that the time difference is much less!! Being an hour to two hours is so much better than 8 or 9 hours!! I can't tell you the amount of IM's I missed of his during his first trip to Iraq because he'd be online at 4 AM Kansas time!
He's hoping to call tomorrow, so I'll have my cell phone with me when we go to the park or well anywhere outside of the apartment so hopefully we won't miss his call! I'm looking forward to hearing his voice. It's truly so daunting to think that I won't get to feel his arms around me for at least 8 more months. Last night as I went to bed I felt myself edging in closer to almost dispair of NEEDING to feel his arms around me just one more time. I can not imagine how hard it is for him, I have the kids to at least recieve and give hugs to/from. I know he can get a hug from the Chaplain and most likely has and will, but it's not the same I don't think and it's not even the same for me. There's something special about having your husband hold you in his arms. I love that feeling. I love feeling safe, that no one can hurt me, that between him and our Lord I'm safe and secure and harm will not come to me at that moment. I cling to the Lord's loving arms that have me wrapped up tight and I look forward to feeling Chad's arms.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
So it begins
Well he's gone. He should be in another country at this point, ready to start a new day in a few hours. From my view point I'm already, ready for this deployment to be over. I already miss him and wish he was here to cuddle up to and place my very cold feet on his warm legs. I'm also so tired and should be in bed. We got home a little after 6 AM, from saying goodbye to him and at 10:15 am our little downstairs neighbor boy woke us up, he was returning our baseball. I guess those additional 4 hours on top of the 5 hours the got before I woke them was enough for them, because they were up from there on out. I layed on the couch in a daze and wondered how in the world I was going to even get through the day, but I managed.
Tonight The Soldier Show was here, so the kids and I joined the rest of the post and went. Son #2 did not want to be there, he was tired. Baby girl went back and forth from enjoying herself to being miserable. Son #1 enjoyed it. His favorite performance of the night was when they performed Michael Jackson's Thriller with the creatures and all! :) I think that got the loudest aplause of the night, they did do a great job with it. I can say that 2 yrs ago we had the Soldier Show here and I think that one was better than this year. I know I was tired and all, but it just wasn't quite as good. They of course sang a medley of American Pride songs and ended with "God Bless The USA" by Lee Greenwood. That's Chad's favorite song and of course how any Army wife (any military wife or American for that matter) can not, not cry is beyond me but it had me sobbing quietly.
As for the kids. Son #1 is doing ok. He's had a few moments of tears and just needing to be held and comforted. He seemed to dedicate his time today to arts and crafts. He even made me a card that says "I love you Mom, Love his name". It's sitting on top of the modem. :) Son #2 is having a very hard time. He got so upset when we were saying goodbye to Chad that he vomitted. I just lost it at that point. It broke my heart. A few more hugs and we got in the car and left. (We were going to stay until the busses left, but I felt after the vomitting incident that we needed to just come home). We got home and son #2 declared he was NOT going to bed, of course I had worried he'd fall asleep on the 2 minute drive home....he was out in just minutes. Son #1 took me up on the offer to sleep with him (#2 went to his own bed, by his own choice). We talked for a minute and he cried, we cuddled, and off to dreamland we both went.
So it begins. Now we're at the point of counting down the days until he returns to us. Well I'm officially falling asleep at the keyboard, so it's off to bed I go.
God Bless and Thank you for the prayers
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
And it begins
455 days and counting. This does not seem real. He just left, literally left our home a few minutes ago. We will go join him at the bus in a little bit, but the realities is he will not be returning here to our home for many months, until R&R. We don't know when he'll get R&R yet, we put in our requests the first being for Christmas time for one of our dates and that would be so wonderful. It'd be half way through the deployment and to have him here when the kids open gifts up on Christmas morning. Our daughter will be at the age where she will most likely be really into tearing open that paper, and the boys just adore Dad and would love to have him with them to celebrate Jesus's birthday. But when ever he comes home will be the perfect time.
So at this point I just ask for prayers as the kids and I adjust to a new schedule that doesn't wait for 5:00 to come. Pray that God will keep our hearts guarded. Most of all pray for Chad as he's the one who must leave us. He's the one goign into harms way. Pray for those who will want to cause him and his comrades harm. Pray they come to know our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Pray that they will turn from doing evil and turn to doing good. Pray for those in Iraq who are just trying to live their life in a peaceful and productive way.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
We have a date
As this is a public blog I can't give out the exact date of when Chad's leaving, but it's literally in a matter of DAYS. We are of course sad, but this is part of our life and we need to accept it and go. This weekend we're going away on a short retreat. We plan on just having family time and enjoying Chad while we still have him here with us, time's fleeting and we intend to make the most of the time we have with him.
Next weekend the kids and I are going with the Hospitality House to Salzburg, Austria. We're really looking forward to the get away. I haven't been to Salzburg yet and have been dying to go so that will be great!! It gives us all something to look forward to immediately! We haven't finalized everything yet, but in June we're planning a trip with our best friend here to go up to an indoor Beach up by Berlin and sight see Berlin. Then the end of July the kids and I will be heading back to the states for 6 weeks! Pray for that flight, as it'll be me vs the 3 of them! LOL I think it'll be fine Jacob and Jack are both old enough to help me out and Emma did really well on the flight to Ireland so hopefully she'll do well for that flight as well. It will be so nice to get to see all our family and friends and have the conviences of the US once again. By the time we land back in Kansas it'll have been 3 yrs since we were on TRUE American Soil!
I'll be writing in here more and more once Chad's gone, feel free to leave messages for him here if you don't have his email address. Hopefully he'll be able to write updates on here too. I've added him as a writer so it'll just all depend on internet availibility and time!
God Bless
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Count Down
Well Chad should be leaving in a matter of weeks. Right now the date they gave us is probably changing it looks like, just by a couple of weeks, but change is change. They are talking of pushing it back and although it's good because we have 2 more weeks with him, it's bad too just because it means that much longer until he goes and that much longer until he comes back.
I had my head wrapped around the date they first gave us and was prepared as much as you can prepare yourself for them leaving, so now it's just all up in the air and that's frustrating.
The kids and and I and my best friend here and her 2 kids are planning to go to Italy in June to the beach, it'll be a great distraction for all of us. Her husband will be coming home with in weeks of our return so it'll be a nice last big trip before he comes back.
As the days get closer I'll write more and hopefully Chad will write as well. We'll see. We don't know what the internet will be like for him when he gets there. I hope he'll have easy access again, but I'm not counting on it (so if he ends up not having easy access I'm not disappointed).
My only request right now is to pray for us and our kids as we prepare for him to leave and as HE prepares to leave.